STEP 2 - Game Requirements
Your online activity today is Summit Challenge powered by Quickfire.
1. 两个设备
- 一台笔记本电脑或台式电脑——用于进行会议/Zoom通话。使用画廊视图来显示你的整个团队。
- 一台智能手机或平板电脑——用于运行Quickfire应用——该应用只支持在智能移动设备上运行。
2. 将应用下载到你的智能手机或平板电脑上
- 确保你的操作系统是最新版本。
- 打开Google Play或Apple App Store。
- 在你的智能手机或平板电脑上下载由Catalyst Global开发的Quickfire应用。
3. 接受所有权限请求
- 下载完成后,打开Quickfire应用
- 接受所有权限请求,以便你可以顺利加载和进行活动。
4. 加入游戏
- 活动期间,你将获得一个二维码。
- 打开应用,并点击二维码屏幕来启用扫描功能。
- 扫描二维码
- 点击下载你的活动。
5. Additional Requirements
As well as your laptop and smart device you will also need.
- Expedition gear
- Expedition or ski gear to wear during the activity. Your team will be taking photos so you'll want to look part of the expedition and earn extra points for your team!!
- Pen & paper - Some of the challenges may require you to write things down. Having something to write on may be very useful.